In weekend am terminat de citit One day. O poveste de dragoste dintre doi prieteni vechi. Actiunea s-a desfasurat pe o perioada de 20 de ani, prezentand cate o zi din fiecare an, 15 iulie.
Mi-a placut la nebunie, speram ca actiunea sa mearga intr-o anumita directie, dar intr-un punct totul s-a rupt in doua, palatul de cristal care se ridica frumos spre cer se transformase acum intr-un castel de nisip. Noroc ca s-a intamplat foarte aproape de finalul cartii. In aceeasi zi am descoperit ca in urma cu un an aparuse si filmul, evident ca l-am luat si m-am uitat la el.
Adaptarea mi s-a parut de slaba calitate, Jim Sturgess, in rolul lui Dexter Mayhew, a reusit sa se ridice la asteptarile mele, in schimb au dat cu mucii in fasole cu Anne Hathaway in rolul Emmei Morley, the geeky part of Emma was missing in Anne, she was too perfect. Pacat ca monologul interior a disparut complet in film.
Good. Here it is. I think you’re scared of being happy, Emma. I think you think that the natural way of things is for your life to be grim and grey and dour and to hate your job, hate where you live, not to have success or money or God forbid a boyfriend (and a quick discersion here – that whole self-deprecating thing about being unattractive is getting pretty boring I can tell you). In fact I’ll go further and say that I think you actually get a kick out of being disappointed and under-achieving, because it’s easier, isn’t it? Failure and unhappiness is easier because you can make a joke out of it. Is this annoying you? I bet it is. Well I’ve only just started.
Em, I hate thinking of you sitting in that awful flat with the weird smells and noises and the overhead lightbulbs or sat in that launderette, and by the way there’s no reason in this day and age why you should be using a launderette, there’s nothing cool or political about launderettes it’s just depressing. I don’t know, Em, you’re young, you’re practically a genius, and yet your idea of a good time is to treat yourself to a service wash. Well I think you deserve more. You are smart and funny and kind (too kind if you ask me) and by far the cleverest person I know. And (am drinking more beer here – deep breath) you are also a Very Attractive Woman. And (more beer) yes I do mean ‘sexy’ as well, though I feel a bit sick writing it down. Well I’m not going to scribble it out because it’s politically incorrect to call someone ‘sexy’ because it is also TRUE. You’re gorgeous, you old hag, and if I could give you just one gift ever for the rest of your life it would be this. Confidence. It would be the gift of Confidence. Either that or a scented candle.
PS: Nu recomand filmul, decat dupa ce ati citit cartea, cineva chiar mi-a zis ca i s-a parut foarte trist, well, filmul pare trist, cartea nu 🙂
PPS: Citatul mi-a placut inca de cand l-am citit si cred ca se aplica pentru multe persoane. Daca nu iti place ceva, ia atitudine si rezolva problema, nu obtii nici un rezultat cand doar te plangi.
O s-o citesc si eu, la un moment dat – daca zici ca nu-i trista 😀
Cartea e cu mult peste film, chiar merita citita 🙂
Si eu am vazut doar filmul… Si da, mi s-a parut trist. Poate o sa iti urmez sfatul si cu cititul cartii :).
O vreau si eu cu imprumut (cartea). Dar ar fi bine sa fie in germana.Poate asa invat ceva (germana).
Din pacate pentru tine, este in engleza:)
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